Dec 27, 2021
Penguin & Termite discuss a genre named after the 1980 video game, titled Rogue. We discuss how the genre has affected the video games we love today, the history of the genre and of course, we discuss our favorites entries!
Ozzed - It's Not My Ship
Dec 20, 2021
Penguin & Termite would like to wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Holidays for the second 2020....!
As Christmas in America is centered on buying gifts, we discuss this capitalist culture and how it affect everything, including hte video game industry. This long form DLC discussion also involves our annual gift...
Dec 13, 2021
Penguin & Termite invite Virginia's own "The Flock Podcast" 's Bob, Connor, and Dewey to discuss the gaming culture and industry presence in the state of Virginia! We discuss the culture of VA, the gaming scene, and give our thoughts about this great state.
Daydream Anatomy -...
Dec 6, 2021
Penguin & Termite celebrate the official release of Halo Infinite! We have a discussion of all things Halo! We discuss the history, influence and impact this franchise has had on the gaming industry as well as our favorite entries.
Ozzed - It's Not My Ship