Jun 28, 2021
Penguin & Termite talk about how death works, and has worked, in video games. Almost every single video game has a death mechanic or system. What are they, how do they vary, how does it affect game design? We discuss...
Ozzed - Super Secret...
Jun 21, 2021
Penguin & Termite take on a surprise fourth entry of our series focusing on literary devices as they are applied in video games. This time we focus on setting. We define what it is along with discussing the various types of settings, with good and bad examples from video...
Jun 14, 2021
Penguin & Termite continue our discussion of how things aren't free in video games. This time, it's all about water! Going to a water world may sound like the epitome of summer... But! Why is this is so difficult to get right? Why are the water levels the most infuriating levels in the history of video games? All this...
Jun 7, 2021
With the ongoing conversation around Returnal, Penguin & Termite continue our Developer Profile series by covering Housemarque. They are a wonderful Finish development studio that has a long history of making "shmup" and bullet hell style games. We talk about their history, pedigree of software and discuss future...