Nov 29, 2021
Nov 22, 2021
Centered around the celebration of Thanksgiving, is family. Penguin & Termite observe Thanksgiving with you all, by looking at the relationship between gaming and family, around the holidays and in life in general.
Ozzed - Lingonsalt
Nov 15, 2021
The Enneagram describes nine different personality types, focusing on what motivates a person vs behavioral patterns. Penguin & Termite look through this grid to determine how this influences gamers! What types do each gamers prefer? How does each type reflect what games people play and/or roles within games?
Nov 8, 2021
Penguin & Termite discuss a hot video game industry topic, platform exclusivity. Is it helpful, what are the pitfalls? Why is this even a thing? Are the "Console Wars" still relevant? We discuss....
P.S - the beginning of this episode, Termite's mic gain is ridiculous, it was turned down a few minutes in. Sorry and...
Nov 4, 2021
Penguin & Termite spin off our DLC into a special, Bonus Level episode of 80 Bit Podsmash! We discuss our experiences Trick or Treating with children and family - and definitely video games! Come join us in our last hurrah around Halloween as we see it out, and see Thanksgiving and the Holiday season in.