Feb 25, 2019
Penguin & Termite, inspired by Coopatition Matt, discuss challenge runs! Anything from Speed Runs to Mario with no jumping is on the table. Why do gamers put themselves through this? What challenges do you like?
Feb 18, 2019
Excited about Anthem? Penguin & Termite discuss our impressions and experience during the recent demo. Alos, Deep Silver, @deepsilver, decided to publish Metro Exodus on the Epic Games store while honoring all current Steam pre-orders and DLC purchases. Penguin & Termite discuss what this means in terms of digital...
Feb 11, 2019
Penguin & Termite have a little fun on Valentine's Day by discussing video game companions. Don't we all love a little escort missions in our video games? We discuss all forms of companions; pets, duos, couch co-op, commentators and helpers!
Feb 4, 2019
Penguin & Termite welcome @BrizzleMcFizzle once again as we discuss mobile games! Bree has worked as a Twitch streamer and a community manager for two different mobile games. We get her inside take on mobile games as gamers wrestle with their relevancy.