Jan 31, 2022
As I'm sure you've heard the rumors and buzz, both good and mostly bad, about NFTs being added to video games - Penguin & Termite define and discuss what they are, and the controversary surrounding them.
Halcyonic Falcon X - Of Rainbows and Unicorns
Jan 24, 2022
With the release of Pokemon Legends: Arceus upon us, Penguin & Termite celebrate the original console where Pokemon made it's debut - the Nintendo GameBoy! We discuss the history, impact, and our favorite games/memories.
Halcyonic Falcon X - Of Rainbows and Unicorns
Jan 19, 2022
Penguin & Termite digest the biggest video game industry news in possibly a decade! The gaming industry is changing in a MAJOR way. We discuss the impact on Microsoft, the impact on Activision | Blizzard, what this could mean for the future of the IP under this new umbrella, and finally - where do Penguin and Termite...
Jan 17, 2022
Penguin & Termite have noticed how different games, sometimes have different group sizes across different modes. Did you know there's a "magic number" which dictates a lot of game design and mechanics for multiplayer games? We discuss...
Halcyonic Falcon X - Of Rainbows and...
Jan 10, 2022
Penguin & Termite have a discussion about hype in the video game industry. Inspired by the announcements at Game Awards 2021 and the response they received - we decide to take a deep dive in to the driving hype beats, and the effect it has for gamers, developers, publishers, and content...