Mar 30, 2020
Penguin & Termite discuss the progression system aspect of video game design. We discuss the purpose and the myriad of ways which video game developers implement progression systems. This is the core of any video game, how a player progresses.
Ozzed - It's Not My...
Mar 23, 2020
Penguin & Termite update you all on the Coronavirus' affect on everything. Social distancing guidelines have completely changed our world. Everything's closed, supplies are hard to find, and all social events and gatherings have been cancelled. We also talk about how this could impact the video game industry and the...
Mar 22, 2020
Sony has pulled the curtain back on their PlayStation 5 tech specs, giving us insight into the direction and vision of the next generation of console wars! Penguin & Termite discuss in this all new Bonus Level Episode of 80 Bit Podsmash!
Ozzed - No Fight But Cool
Mar 16, 2020
Penguin & Termite are on hype overload for all things DOOM!!! Join us in celebrating the Doom franchise, in light of Doom Eternal's release. We go through our favorite games as well as talk about the influence that Doom brought in the gaming industry.
The Guillotine Factory -...
Mar 9, 2020
In an almost all DLC episode, Penguin & Termite release some pent up rage about terrible, egregious, and aggravating video game design decisions that infuriate us!
To balance that with some positivity, we lift up some games that are designed wonderfully as well.
Ozzed - It's...